Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Gave Inspiring Talk to SVGOP

Mike Pompeo with SVGOP Executive Committee

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The Santa Clara County Republican Party (SVGOP) enthusiastically welcomed Mike Pompeo to an exclusive luncheon in mid-October 2021 for SVGOP Members and Young Republicans. Our featured speaker Michael Pompeo served as the 70th Secretary of State of the United States, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and was elected to four terms in Congress representing the Fourth District of Kansas. He is a distinguished fellow at Hudson Institute, where he focuses on promoting U.S. national security, technological leadership and global engagement.

Luncheon attendees locked onto every word as Secretary Pompeo highlighted his time serving in the Trump Administration, his foreign policy positions, and how he views America’s policies for the future. In politics, one comes across plenty of people who can talk. It is much more rare to find someone able to get the job done well. Getting the job done was exactly why Republicans are proud of the accomplishments of the 45th President and his Administration. Their Administration didn’t just talk the talk. They walked the walk and their actions matched their words.

Promises made, promises kept.

In foreign policy, Secretary Pompeo focused on Deterrence. Drawing on proven Republican ideals of Peace Through Strength, his State Department worked hard to project strength and deter bad actors, knowing that weakness begets war and chaos.

The Trump Administration defended Israel and improved Middle East relations. They left the disastrous Iran nuclear deal, sanctioned the Ayatollah in Iran and stopped sending them pallets of cash. They moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, something Republican and Democrat Presidents had wished for but failed to do for years, but the Trump Administration got it done.

Under the 45th President, they took out the nasty Iranian general, Qasem Soleimani, who caused significant unrest in the Middle East and presented major problems for American allies. They pushed for and secured major peace agreements – known as the Abraham Accords, which re-wrote decades of failed shuttle negotiations because they were willing to go against the elites of the foreign policy establishment to secure American freedom.

America First takes courage. And it works.

After 40 years of “Made in China” which crushed American manufacturing, America under Trump demanded fair, reciprocal trade. This is one area largely untouched by the new Administration, as the true colors of the People’s Republic of China are now exposed. The Chinese Communist Party continues their hegemony and Hong Kong serves as a model for how China may deal with Taiwan. 

Our Future Republic. Let’s get back to delivering real results for the American people.

As we did under Trump, we must secure our borders. Secretary Pompeo was proud to be part of the team that negotiated one of our most effective policies in curbing illegal immigration: the remain in Mexico policy, aptly named as the Migrant Protection Program (MPP). It said simply that asylum seekers at our southern border must stay in Mexico until their hearing date, not come into our country illegally and stay unlawfully.

America First must defend the American people ahead of being the world’s police. While we will lead with Deterrence to support Taiwan, Hong Kong, Israel… we must also continue to bring home our troops and limit unending involvement in conflicts all over the world. As Americans we must recognize our current most pressing foreign policy issue of managing immigration. To put America first we must bring home our troops, defend our border, and defend America.

Thank you to those making this luncheon possible.

Major thanks to SVGOP Treasurer Steve Brown for arranging Mr. Pompeo’s visit and the convenient venue in the heart of Silicon Valley for our special event. We thank our Angel Donors for their belief in helping us defend American freedom, as well as Event Donors who lent their support to pull this memorable event together. We were happy that many Young Republicans were able to catch this event, both as volunteers and as guests, some of whom were able to have their photo taken with Mr. Pompeo, along with our many VIP Access ticket holders.

Mark Your Calendars for our next special event!

We’re hoping to invite other dignitaries to SVGOP events. Mark your calendar for our Holiday Party in December (sometime between 12/9 – 12/12). Get on the SVGOP Newsletter email list to stay in the loop!

SVGOP hosts special luncheon for Secretary Pompeo’s visit to Silicon Valley, October 2021

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