The RECALL NEWSOM movement got a powerful boost on Wednesday in San Jose. Assemblyman Kevin Kiley spoke to a capacity crowd about the eight defining characteristics of Newsom’s failure as governor. Kiley was the featured speaker at back-to-back luncheon seatings hosted by the Silicon Association of Republican Women ( with 60 people in attendance at each seating.
Kiley based his remarks on his new book: RECALL NEWSOM: The Case Against America’s Most Corrupt Governor. He cautioned that a “standard corruption like that on display during Newsom’s first year would not be grounds for me to actively support a recall. What is exceptional about Gavin Newsom’s COVID era performance is the pernicious combination of corruption and lawlessness; his abuse of extraordinary emergency powers for personal political gain.”
Kiley noted eight defining characteristics of Newsom’s historic failure.
- Self-promotional: To many observers, Newsom treated the arrival of the coronavirus on our shores as the launch of his 2024 presidential campaign.
- Lawless: To get his name in the headlines as quickly as possible, he fashioned himself in the mold of an ancient Roman dictator.
- Corrupt: Newsom used the State of Emergency to richly reward the Special Interests that spent millions electing him, and whose favor he would need to run for higher office.
- Unscientific: Because it was driven by politics and self-interest, Newsom’s response has been denounced by health experts as unscientific.
- Partisan: Already America’s most partisan governor, Newsom took his divisiveness to perverse levels.
- Hypocritical: The French Laundry scandal only scratched the surface of Newsom’s hypocrisy.
- Incompetent: He oversaw the country’s worst and most Orwellian unemployment office.
- Neglectful: Amid Newsom’s publicity-seeking and political-calculating, he neglected the basics of a public health response.

As a California Assembly Representative, Kiley had a front-row seat on how our government responded to the COVID crises. He initially called for all representatives to work together to support our Governor, only to see this Governor squander all goodwill by ignoring our legislature. Newsom changed over 400 laws by fiat, created entirely new laws unrelated to public health, and clashed with lawmakers of both parties as he refused to stop acting unilaterally. It is no wonder Newsom’s authoritarian tendencies produced $11B in unemployment fraud, ill-thought enforcement of AB5 that crushed small businesses, and hypocritical policies where his kids can attend (private) school in person but other kids get locked out of public schools, where he can eat in a restaurant but others can’t. “Californians pay the highest taxes to drive through the deepest potholes,” observed Kiley.
At the two seatings for a recent lunch, guests were enlightened by Kiley’s insider look at Newsom’s failures and were encouraged by our opportunity to turn the ship around. If we can get enough valid signatures by mid-March, a Special Election will be conducted between September and November of this year, where voters can select (1) Should Governor Newsom be recalled? and (2) Who should replace him.
“The Recall is a chance to fix our politics, to root out corruption, to restore government by the people. That’s the larger meaning of the Recall. It’s a fundamental course correction. From Newsom’s self-promotion to humility. From his lawlessness to respecting the rule of law and following the constitution. From his corruption serving special interests back to our government serving the public interest. This extraordinary movement, if successful, will send the right message to all elected officials that they must work for the people.”
Get Assemblyman Kiley’s newly published book Recall Newsom: The Case Against America’s Most Corrupt Governor here: And watch SVARW’s Video of this event here: It will equip you with the riveting details on Governor Newsom’s failures.